Organic Sunflower Production

Green Alchemy Farm receives 2010 SARE Farmer Grant for Comparison of Incorporated and Non-incorporated Cover-cropping in an Oil Sunflower to Fuel Project!!

Green Alchemy Farm is at the forefront of Organic Sunflower production to help maximize yields, weed suppression, and producing the most healthful and nutritious sunflower oil around. Green Alchemy Farm also powers all their equipment with renewable and carbon neutral vegetable oil fuels.

We grow ORGANIC oil – seed sunflower seeds for seed and oil.

Oil-seed Sunflower Production consultation for the Organic Farmer at $100/hour plus mileage:  

  1. Detailed education of incorporated and non-incorporated cover cropping
  2. Seed sources and discussion of hybrid trials in Pennsylvania
  3. Planting,cultivation,harvesting,cleaning and pressing of oil-seed sunflowers
  4. Press types and manufacturers
  5. Sunflower types ie Polyunsturated (high linolenic) vs Nusun vs High oleic varieties and role as food or fuel